Our commitment to compliance

Cyber Essentials Plus

Because of the information we hold, we have always ensured our systems are secured and review our policies regularly to ensure we remain secure. We have had a strict security policy in place long before GDPR came about, and we have always treated client data with extreme care. We never sell personal information and only use it to carry out our services for our clients.  We also have made sure the companies whose products we sell or use are also enforcing strict policies. All those companies are listed below with links to their policies. If you have any questions about our privacy and security policies, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Ilkley IT Services Policies

Ilkley IT Services – Managed Services Terms and Conditions

Ilkley IT Services – Privacy Notice

Partners/ Data Processors

Services we supply and/ or use

Telecoms and Broadband Services

Domains and Web Hosting Services